Thursday, June 30, 2011

Less than 24 hours.........

It's almost time! I can't wait for this opportunity. I ask that you pray for: health, safety and energy for our group. May God use us, grow us and stretch us for his glory:)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bringing Hope Summer 2011

A new journey…….

 I hope this letter finds you doing well. I want to thank you for those who took part in contributing financially, or prayerfully for my husband and his trip to Vietnam. He was blessed tremendously by this opportunity and our family was inspired as well. So inspired that we have sponsored a little girl from there, my children are praying every night for the orphans to find homes, Noah has decided he wants to raise money in order to purchase mattresses for the babies cribs, Jacob has been inquiring about the age limits to attend and I  have felt the call to go. I will be attending this trip through Lost Orphans International from July 1-July 10 of this year. You may ask, “Why Vietnam?” I would have to answer “Why not?” You see, I have done lots of reflection since my husband’s return and I have come to the realization that I am tired of living my life for myself. I have come to the realization that God hasn’t given me an education/resources for my glory and comfort. Instead, he has given me these things in order to glorify him and make a difference in the lives of others. I have grown tired of being the Christian that does the minimum for God. I am tired of making excuses about why I shouldn’t go on a mission trip. Some of those include: I can’t be away from my family, it costs too much, it’s too risky, and I can’t survive on food from another country. I am ready to say yes, to walk by faith, to leave my comfort zone and open my heart up completely to God. I am anxious about the opportunity to serve and love on these children I haven’t met except through pictures. I am ready to  love unconditionally and open to any task that God will use me for. I want to touch these people, to hug them, to smile at them and give them hope through our Lord.

Mary Ann